Free Tablet With Medicaid Program
786 reviews
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No Credit Check
Supported by the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a federal initiative that delivers services to qualified customers. The offers differ across states. Please check the most recent Terms and Conditions of Service. At 2G speeds, the performance of certain data applications, like streaming audio or video, could be impacted.

All With Your Free Tablet with Medicaid
Eligibility with:

Receive a free tablet with Medicaid including unlimited talk and text, plus complimentary data each month!
Your household might qualify for a monthly discount on a new or existing internet service plan through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).
You can qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program in several ways:
- by being part of other government assistance programs
- depending on your annual household income
- through involvement in an internet service provider’s plan for low-income individuals.
This presents a valuable chance to receive a free tablet with Medicaid or another assistance program upon qualification.
How to Qualify…
By participating in other government programs like
Can You Combine Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) and Lifeline Benefits?

Benefits for the Applicant
Enjoy excellent service, potentially at no cost, plus a brand-new tablet.
What Others Say About ACP & Lifeline
Free Government Tablet With Medicaid Including Unlimited Talk, Text & 5G High Speed Data
786 reviews
Free Shipping
No Contract
No Credit Check
Supported by the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a federal initiative that delivers services to qualified customers. The offers differ across states. Please check the most recent Terms and Conditions of Service. At 2G speeds, the performance of certain data applications, like streaming audio or video, could be impacted.